Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's time for an update!

Wow its been months since I last updated.

Alot has happened since my last post. I had 2 more surgeries and am finally getting back to my old self again. Thank you God!!!

My oldest Daughter and I celebrated our birthday, we had a wonderful time with family. :) I can't believe she is 24 now. Time sure does fly....I never really took that saying to heart until I had children.

My youngest Daughter went to NY with her boyfriend. He took his 2 weeks from Afghanistan and they had a wonderful trip. She got to see NY before I did! lol One of these days though, I will make it up there. I would especially love to see a broadway play....I will someday soon. :) Her boyfriend is back in Afghanistan and doing well. We are praying for his safe return home.

Lets see....what else has been going on.

Oh I recently finished a small toddler afghan for my oldest Granddaughter. I used the Sugar n Cream yarn, and the Lion Brand Baby Block pattern. It was a really fun pattern, I might make another one using the same pattern!

I am still working on my youngest daughters afghan. Making one square at a time! lol I try to make squares using different patterns yet keeping the same color scheme and the same size squares. I am so anxious to get it finished so I can work on another one!

My husbands birthday is coming up. I know our race tickets were birthday gifts for one another but I still want to get him something nice and take him to a nice restaurant.

Business is also going really well for Edible Prints, I am having so much fun with it!!!